(22/01/24) Hello everybody, First news post!, i am announcing that Dylan is changing tie colours from Yellow to Blue. The colours for Jacob and Kobi will still stay the same, on the other hand, our song, Tsarviche Genocide, has been published and is now public on the LOCATION DESTINY album. Youtube has not been letting us publish the song due to the word "Genocide" possibly being offensive to some, despite being fictionial. A lot of songs will be published soon but in a couple weeks the song uploads may stop due to holidays, and some good news, Jacob is now becoming lead singer! aswell as the main source of instruments, synths, etc... being done on GarageBand. Anyways thats all for now, ill see you all next week!

(17/02/24) HI EVERYBODY we are back and the album is finished! song downloads will be avaliable soon guys trust me!! anyways heres the new songs we added: distortion, so long, variations on death, abandoned snow..., GBLIG, scottish yoda and facade (finally) ANYWAYS THATS IT ALSO THANKS A LOT TO REDZROAD FOR HELPING WITH GUITAR STUFFFFFF see yalll next week or whenever new album coming soon